Saturday, February 27, 2010


Jonah is, well he's just Jonah. There is really no words to describe him. He is like no one else in the world. We met Jo when we would go visit Luke at the handicap home they both lived in before living with us. Jonah was about 2 years old and already had a story to tell. He was like most kids born in the system, addicted to drugs. On top of that his mother was homeless which ment she was not given the right prenatal care as well as she was an alcoholic. And so when she had Jonah she didn't want the burden and left him as an orphan in the hospital.

Over the years Jonah has had many open hear surgeries in which he died 3 times, he underwent anal surgery and must be given an enema every other night, he is on 4 different medications to make him somewhat bearable and he has to attend a special school. To say the least Jonah is the most difficult child in our home.

It's sad to think that if his mom would have just stopped drinking and doing drugs for 9 months he would be a normal boy living a normal life. That Jonah wouldn't be as angry and he would be a regular boy playing t-ball like the other kids hi age. Though Jonah is so difficult my hear is still full of unconditional love for him. Looking at his action and his life I am reminded that I am like Jonah. I am a sinful human just like him, but yet Christ loves me the same, and I am in love with him more.

Though I don't know why Jo was brought to our home or why he wasn't taken to be with the king one of those times he died I do know he has a bigger purpose. It seems that the hard times are over powering the easy ones now a days but it is a comfort to know that we are not the ones in control. And that fact along with love is enough to keep us going.

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