Sunday, March 7, 2010

the hike of life


The other day I decided to get the kids out of the house and give my mom a break, so the kids loaded up into the big van and I drove them down to Mt Rubidoux. The adventure started in the van, Jonah of course was the instigator of the kids crying and I knew from the beginning this was going to be a great idea! We made it to the mountain with only a few hits and cries and began our hike. Before being a third of the way to the top the fighting began. One kid would hit another who would retaliate and hit someone else who would come to me crying. I had bikers, runners, moms with strollers and anything in between staring at me with a look saying I was crazy for getting myself into this mess.

Like always though there were the fights, there were also the laughs and smiles. There were moments when we would stop to take pictures and look at the scenery. It was amazing to see God's glory not only in his nature but also in the lives that were surrounding me. This walk reminded me why my family does what we do. That like the hike in life there are going to be problems that occur and tears that are shed, but there is a destination to be met and memories to be made. Life is hard but that makes it worth living. I am reminded that because of the hard times the good times are much sweeter and the faces of these saved children continually remind me that.

We are hiking the mountain of life and though it is difficult I wouldn't change a second of it.

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