Tuesday, March 16, 2010

baseball the new family affair

Tonight was Joshua's first baseball game, so the family pilled in the big van and drove to the field. When I got there the game had just begun and Josh was out in center field with his knees bent and glove ready for action. There were only a couple times when the ball was hit in his direction, but the excitement happened when Josh stepped up to the plate. As he made the short walk from the dugout to home we had everyone looking in our direction and Joshua grinning from ear to ear. Even from the bleachers I could see the joy on Joshua's face knowing that his family was there to cheer him on. He stepped up to the plate and we all quieted to keep his concentration, the first ball was pitched Josh swung and missed and the second one went with the same result. Knowing his chances were limited we began to cheer even more hoping this would boost his confidence. Finally the third ball was pitched, Josh swung the bat with direct contact hitting the ball line drive down third base, it was a double! Cheers erupted from our side of the bleachers, I'm convinced they could hear us a mile away.

As Josh took his stance at second base he couldn't help but look at the family and smile, and I couldn't help but to feel amazingly proud. I looked at the people surrounding me and I was amazed how blessed I was. The moment felt so perfect it was as though I was in a movie... but even better than that is was real life. I have an amazing family and today I was reminded of how great they truly are.

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